Friday, September 27, 2013


The Age of Reason dawned on me when i reached the age of nine or ten. The hypocrisy of religion became very obvious. My father was not a religious man, but he practiced some of the rituals of religion, perhaps out of habit or for what reason i do not know.And that is not important to me. He had no formal education and on his own he learned sanskrit and read all the ancient books written in sanskrit about the vedas and the Bhagavad Gita. He also had this interest in writing his own commentary about these books. And he loved to discuss vedanta with anyone interested. Unfortunately not many people were interested. Once one of the Big time swami from udupi came to our house with the only intention of collecting money for some cause(?). And my father wanted to engage this swami in some vedantic discussion and this swami had absolutely no intention to participate, his only goal was to pick up some dough. He got the money and went away. I have seen this over and over again all over the world.  
The other day i told some one that i have no need for religion. I can survive without religion. Spirituality has no use for me. I am not spiritual, i jokingly told some one that i do like spirits of the bubble variety.
My friend Byron Sacre (he passed away last year), introduced me to the bubbles, i believe at this restaurant in san clemente called Fish Tale. Once him, myself and a co worker georgene nelson finished two bottles of champagne during our lunch hour. That was a special lunch which i will never forget. There was another restaurant i believe in san pedro or san clemente called "The Cannons" overlooking the pacific ocean, which became our favorite watering hole for  some time. But all good things come to an end. Just the memories remain. What religion has got to do with this i do not know. But i will ramble on. And i am no henry miller.  
To Be Continued